Le vendredi 28 mars 2025 de 14h à 16h
AMPHI AR06 - Faculté DSEG de Nancy

Présentation de l'ouvrage The Charter of the United Nations, par Irène COUZIGOU, Professeur, Université d’Aberdeen, Ecosse, sous la dir. scientifique de Mélanie DUBUY, Maître de conférences HDR en droit public, Université de Lorraine/IRENEE UR7303.

> Inscription en présentiel obligatoire (gratuite) en cliquant ici

Résumé de l'ouvrage : Since the third edition of this commentary on the Charter of the United Nations was published in 2012, the text of the Charter has not changed DL but the world has. Central pillars of the international order enshrined in the UN Charter are facing serious challenges, notably the prohibition of the use of force. Human rights, too, have come under increasing pressure, now also from contemporary information technology. Global warming poses fundamental challenges for the world community as a whole in its effort to stabilize global ecosystems. 

Fully updated, the commentary takes up these and other developments. It features new chapters on Climate Change and the Human Rights Council. The commentary remains the authoritative, article-by-article account of the legislative history, interpretation, and practical application of each and every Charter provision. Written by a team of distinguished scholars and practitioners, this book combines academic research with the insights of practice. It is an indispensable tool of reference for all those interested in the United Nations and its legal significance for the world community. The Commentary will be crucial in combining solid legal foundations with new directions for the development of international law and the United Nations in the twenty-first century